Celebrating the Joyful Completion of MFACS 2024 Fall Semester
Welcoming Winter Break!
December 15, 2024, marked the joyful completion of the 2024 Fall Semester at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School (MFACS). With the arrival of winter break, our dedicated teachers and students have successfully completed another semester filled with challenges, growth, and achievements. Together, we’ve witnessed the hard work and progress of our students during this wonderful time!
In their final class of the semester, students in all Chinese classes participated in a comprehensive review and lighthearted final exams. With interactive and engaging questions prepared by their teachers, the students happily reviewed what they learned throughout the semester, achieving commendable scores. This success is a testament to the dedicated guidance of our teachers and the unwavering support of parents.
Meanwhile, young artists in the Fine Arts and Calligraphy class wrapped up the semester by creating holiday-themed artwork titled “Christmas Wonderland.” The colorful and detailed Christmas trees and snowmen brought a warm festive atmosphere to life. Each child proudly took their masterpiece home, adding a touch of charm to their holiday decorations.
奥数竞赛班如期举行了美国奥数协会2024-2025年度五次竞赛考试的第二次,还进行了一场热烈精彩的Math 24比赛。希望同学们继续坚持在数学的神奇世界里探索,成为破解数学谜题的小能手。
The Math Olympiad class held the second round of the 2024-2025 American Mathematics Olympiad competition as scheduled, accompanied by a lively Math 24 game. We encourage our students to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics, becoming brilliant problem-solvers along the way.
国际象棋初级班和高级班的同学们在国际象棋大师Alex Betaneli 和班主任魏老师的带领下回顾了本学期所学到的不同主题棋局, 并进行了激动人心的车轮战和小组讨论。童心的小棋手们在老师们的指导下进步神速、受益良多。
In both the Beginner and Advanced Chess classes, mentored by National Master Alex Betaneli and the class coordinator Mr. Wei, our students reviewed various chess strategies learned throughout the semester. They also participated in exciting simultaneous exhibitions and group discussions. Our young chess players made remarkable progress, gaining valuable skills under their teachers’ guidance.
在下课之前,各班老师都把自己精心准备的结业小奖品和圣诞小礼物发给了孩子们,有巧克力礼盒、圣诞气球、学习用具、装饰物品等等。大家依依不舍地在教室合影留念, 保留温馨而珍贵的回忆。
At the end of the class, each classroom teacher handed out thoughtfully prepared end-of-semester awards and Christmas gifts to the students, including chocolates, Christmas balloons, school supplies, and decorative gifts. The students and teachers shared heartfelt goodbyes, capturing precious memories with group photos in their classrooms.
美好的秋季学期结束了,接下来的寒假,是孩子们休整身心、家庭团聚的宝贵时光,也是巩固所学、预习新知的重要阶段。在此期间,希望同学们都能继续读书,持之以恒, 保持学习的兴趣。期待在新学期里我们能在童心艺术中文学校再相聚!
As the fall semester concludes, the upcoming winter break is a wonderful time for students to rest, enjoy family time, and consolidate their learning while preparing for new challenges ahead. We encourage our students to keep reading, stay curious, and maintain their enthusiasm for learning during the break. We look forward to reuniting with everyone at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School in the New Year!
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A heartfelt thanks to all our hardworking teachers for their dedication and to all the parents for their support in encouraging their children to learn Chinese culture. May our students thrive, grow, and excel in the coming year! See you all in 2025 Spring Semester!
童心艺术中文学校 保留所有权利
Fine Arts Chinese School. All rights reserved.
学校地址:Lighthouse Christian School