教师感言 Teacher's Remark
喜欢教汉语,不仅仅是因为它是我的母语;更多的是因为我热爱这个语言。在我眼中,汉语美丽而丰富,它能够更贴切的表达我的饱满的情感. 我希望通过在童心之家中文学校教书能够向更多的人介绍汉语,让他们也能体会到汉语的美妙!
I love to teach the Chinese language, b/c not only is it my native tongue, but it is a beautiful and enriching language that allows one to express themselves in ways one cannot do in English. My goal is to introduce this wonderful language to as many children as possible and hope to do so through teaching at Fine Arts Chinese School
教师介绍 Teacher's Bio 尚清华老师在美国多家中文学校任中文教师十几年,帮助她积累了很多在北美教中文的经验。尚老师自2007年就开始在童心艺术中文学校任教,深获学生们喜爱。并于2014年成为童心中校的校董,热心为麦城华人孩子们能更好的学习中文作贡献。同时,尚老师任教于Light House基督小学,自编教材,教授非华裔中小学生中文。尚老师在国内毕业于华北工学院,但自小就喜爱文学的她,在中国和美国都曾选修相应的文科课程,尚老师普通话标准,书写中文字体规范,她待人热情,善于与人沟通,并且非常热爱教育工作,并懂得因材施教,针对班上的每个同学的特点对课程内容进行适当调整,让孩子喜爱,家长满意。
Qinghua Shang has taught Chinese at various Chinese Language schools in the U.S. for more than 10 years. Qinghua started teaching at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School in 2007, and became a member of the school board in 2014. Qinghua also teaches Chinese at Lighthouse Christian School. Qinghua graduated from North China Institute of Technology. To fulfill her lifelong interests in literature, she has taken many literature courses in China. Qinghua is compassionate, has excellent communication skills and a great passion for teaching. She can adapt to teach students at any proficiency level and adjust her lesson plans and teaching content to suit the needs and interests of her students.
童心艺术中文学校 保留所有权利
Fine Arts Chinese School. All rights reserved.
学校地址:Lighthouse Christian School