陆璐 老师
作者:admin 阅览次数:4631 发布时间:2018-08-28
教师感言 Teacher's Remark
“蓝天因为白云而美丽,森林因为新绿而生机,我们因为快乐而快乐, 我们有一个快乐的名字,教师。不快乐的老师难教出快乐的学生,不快乐的老师也难享受教学之愉悦。我愿做一名撒播快乐种子的育书人,将爱与幸福种植于孩子们的心田。”
An unhappy teacher is hard to make students happy, and an unhappy teacher will never enjoy the beauty of teaching. I would like to be a teacher who can plant the seed of love and happiness in kids’ mind garden.
教师介绍 Teacher's Bio
陆璐现是University of Wisconsin-Madison的东亚系在读博士生。自2011年以来,她一直是UW-Madison的中文TA,并已教过如初级,中级和华裔班等各个年级的中文课。她同时也是Shorewood Hills Elementary School的兼职中文老师。陆璐有着丰富的教学经历,先后在复旦大学和华东师范大学等大学教过书。陆老师多才多艺,特别擅长弹奏中国民族乐器中阮,持有中阮十级证书,曾是纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学孔子学院艺术团的独奏演员以及上海学生艺术团成员。
Lu currently is a Ph.D candidate in University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Chinese linguistics. She has been a Chines TA in UW-madison since 2011, and has taught all level Chinese classes, including elementary Chinese, intermediate Chinese and heritage Chinese classes. She is also a Chinese teacher in Shorewood Hills elementary school in Madison. Lu has teaching experience in SUNY-Binghamton, NY, Fudan University and East China Normal University in Shanghai. In addition, Lu is good at playing Chinese traditional musical instrument called ZhongRuan, and she used to be a solo performer in the art group in the Confucius Institute in State University of New York in Binghamton.