王瑾老师来自北京。她是一位拥有EMBA硕士学位的教育工作者,特别喜欢孩子们称自己为“芝芝老师”,因为觉得这样的称呼更亲切,更能拉近和学生的关系。 芝芝老师的普通话非常标准,有良好的因材施教能力,为人热情严谨并乐于助人。
Ms. Wang comes from Beijing and holds an EMBA master’s degree. Her students call her “Teacher Zhi Zhi,” as she believes the name is more approachable and fosters closer relationships with them. Teacher Zhi Zhi speaks standard Mandarin, excels at tailoring her teaching to meet individual needs, and is known for her enthusiasm, rigor, and willingness to help others.
Teacher Zhi Zhi has completed the Ma Li Ping Chinese HCC Training and has obtained the certification as a qualified teacher. She has also participated in the Chinese language teacher training programs organized by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the China Overseas Chinese Education Foundation. Teacher Zhi Zhi is dedicated to improving herself, staying current, and finding new ways to enhance her teaching.
Teacher Zhi Zhi is passionate about Chinese calligraphy. She has studied under renowned calligraphy masters and specializing in Oracle Bone Script. She has also studied ceramic art in Jingdezhen. She enjoys spending time with children and has earned their trust and affection.