作者:admin 阅览次数:4387 发布时间:2019-08-02
教师感言 Teacher's Remark
捧出一颗心, 献出全部情, 严在当严处,爱在细微中。让平凡的教室洒满阳光,让每个学生心中都有一片灿烂的阳光,用师者的胸怀去包容一颗颗年轻的心,用师者的爱心去铸造每个学生的辉煌。 我觉得,学生终有一天会超过老师,但老师仍然会毫不保留地交给学生所有,这正是教师的伟大。 我愿我的学生以后都将拓展出自己的一片天地。
Devoting my passion and affection to teaching, I promise to love every student. I make every effort to ensure that all my students are educated both intellectually and emotionally. I promise to teach my students everything that I know and to care for them with love with the premise that they will surpass my knowledge one day. With love and devotion, I believe every student can become outstanding individuals and productive member of the society.
教师介绍 Teacher's Bio
姜颖老师有多年的汉语教学经验,也同时有着多年的丰富社会经验,资深HR, 善于与学生沟通,因材施教,了解学生和家长需求,提高学生学习兴趣。 全面开发学生听,说,读,写,四个部分。姜老师已在童心艺术中文学校工作了四年,深得孩子们的喜爱和家长们的认可。
Ying Jiang has many years of experience teaching Chinese language. Outside of teaching, Ying also has years of experience as a human resource manager in large operations and privately-owned businesses. Her background in HR helps her communicate with parents and understand their needs. Ying tailors the class to the needs of the students, focusing on areas that need development for each student. Her teaching focuses on balancing the four skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Ying has taught at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School for 4 years, and has always received great feedback and remarks from students and parents.